Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26th, 2009

The Leaf Factory
by Maggie and Ian W.

The Leaf Factory- by Ian W.
The leaf makes food. The root takes water in. Water and carbon dioxide make food. Oxygen is given off. The sun heats the leaf.

The Leaf- by Maggie R.
The leaf makes food. Water and carbon dioxide make food. The carbon dioxide is keeping the leaf alive. Oxygen is given and water is given to the leaf. The water goes into the roots.

1st Week- by Maggie

We had a fabulous first week! We worked hard and learned many things. We had the first Great Lesson and the second Great Lesson.

Here Harper is practicing her handwriting.

We've been picking and eating lots of apples. We even made applesauce!

We have many science experiments. We do the Laws of Air.

You can do this at home too!

We like reading a lot!

Here we are having the Second Great Lesson.

2nd Week

Prairie Hill- by Harper, Ava, and Melina

Welcome to Prairie Hill. I really love the animals and I bet you will too! We have two cats. We have three cute ponies. We even have four horses. One gets out sometimes. His name is Alfie.
We have chickens and three ducks and peafowl and 1 sheep. We have an apple tree and a cherry tree! Would you like to come see Prairie Hill? You've read about it. Would you love it too?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Welcome to the younger elementary blog . Here you wil see pictures in our class room. Come back soon! Bye!