Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010
We have our new camera!!! Now we just need to get back into the habit of using it! Actually we have lots of pictures to share from our last four blog masters (unfortunately they didn't write about them- so if there is a comment, it is from Jordan...) Pictures by: Finn, Lincoln, Gabby, and Trent

Quilting, quilting, quilting... thanks to all the many (large and small) hands that have helped!!

The bookmobile has been broken down for quite awhile now. Our faithful, long awaited bookmobile ladies have valiantly carted in loads of books into the entryway for the kids to pour over.

Ever so carefully making the desserts for the auction...


What is produced and where?
Gabby finds out where corn is produced

Poor Zoe, ouch.

Grammar boxes... little cards with words that the student matches to a sentence. Each word is color coordinated with its role (noun, verb, etc). The child then acts out the sentence, and then diagrams the sentence with symbols that represent the various parts (nouns, verbs, etc). Could you have done that when you were six?

More dessert making for the auction.

Finn, on his birthday!

Ian and Trent are finding the lowest common multiple with...
The Peg Board.